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Clients Educational
& Promotional Web Videos

by Bright Light Film

The Game Changer

There are many different ways to use web videos on your site. Video Testimonials can strongly persuade some one who is in two minds as whether to uses your business services or products.

The Educator

However, other types of video can also be used to pre educate, to de-mystify, to demonstrate, and to advise your potential customers of what you have to offer is right for them and that you are the right company to provide it.

The Bright Light Stars

Watch the video examples below to see how the following businesses are using video to educate and demonstrate there talents and skills and how Bright Light Film helped them to achieve it…

What next?

…Now you have an understanding of how video can dramatically change the content on your website to be more engaging, appealing and more persuasive. Isn’t it about time you engaged a partner like Bright Light Film to help you to make those changes a reality!

Check out our Testimonial Video Portfolio

What our clients say

Get started using Video Testimonials today

Call Clare on 07966 522904