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Corporate Videographer

Corporate Videographer – are you looking for a Videographer?

Bright Light Film are a specialists Corporate Videographer

Client: Carfax Dental

Carfax Dental is a dental practice based in Horsham. Vatsal the principal dentist wanted to differentiate them from the local dentistry competition. And the way that he felt was the best way to do this was through video.

We initially met to discuss the marketing strategy behind each of the videos that we went on to produce. Carfax dental has a whole range of different services. So many that they couldn’t be served justice from one single video. So Vatsal separated the services in to several different topics to and included a Welcome Video for the Homepage for his website.

Vatsal also included videos on his website that would reduce the number of phone received to the practice by including Frequently Asked question videos. By the end of project Carfax Dental had videos on most of their website landing pages.

Corporate Videographer

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