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Testimonial Video Examples

Testimonial Video Examples – looking for a Videographer?

Bright Light Film are specialists in producing Testimonial Video Examples

Client: RTFJ

Bright Light Film always enjoys firstly working with beautiful things and also working with RTFJ Bespoke Jewellery.

Richard came to Bright Light Film wanting to create a stock of videos for his website. He wanted this Welcome for the home page in addition to some video testimonials.

In the initial meeting with Richard, we worked out the strategy for each video. What particular market they should be directed towards. The result was mostly the wedding and engagement rings leads.  With this in mind we invited in Richards clients for the testimonial element and also filmed Richard for his pieces to camera.

Filming in Richards workshop is always great fun. Firstly there are beautiful items to film and Richard is also such a joy.

Richard now has the videos that we produced for him on his website.

Customer Testimonial Examples
Customer Testimonial Examples

Like to discuss a project?
Call Clare now on 07966 522904

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Have a look at our services:

Clients Web Video Testimonials

Clients Web Video Testimonials

Using web video testimonials of your customers and clients on your website can be the tipping point for other people browsing your site to get in touch with you.


Clients Educational & Promotional Web Videos

Clients Educational & Promotional Web Videos

There are many different ways to use web videos on your site. Video Testimonials can strongly persuade some one who is in two minds as whether to uses your business services or products.


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