They say it takes 10,000 hours to become a master in a specific skill or field. This means you’ve spent 10,000 hours honing your craft in your industry, which probably isn’t video marketing. So, when it comes to thinking of ideas for your next marketing video, it can be quite hard. To help you, we’ve compiled a short list of marketing video ideas for different industries and why they can be useful for your campaign.

Marketing Video Ideas
Estate and Letting Agents – Property Tours
Here’s the biggest question that gets asked within this industry: ‘How can I show the inside of this property to somebody online?’ Buyers place a lot of value and trust in an agency that showcases lots of property information and images. It shows there isn’t anything to hide. But a photo can only show so much, particularly when it comes to the available space. Why not take your prospects on a little tour of the property to showcase its true potential?
One possible benefit of this is that it may actually help alleviate the need for some prospects to book a time-consuming viewing of the property, especially if they have a busy lifestyle.
Product Sellers – Product Demonstrations
A product description is a simple way to give your prospects a basic overview of what your product does. However, it doesn’t really show the full potential of the product, or how well it works. There is no way you can hide a bad product if you are showing it being used in your videos, so the trust level is instantly raised when people watch your video.
Just make sure to keep your videos short and to-the-point, so you don’t lose the attention of your viewers!
Demolition – Time Lapse
The human race loves a good destruction video: It’s strangely therapeutic and mesmerising. Why not show your prospects the efficiency of your demolitions by showing a time lapsed video of your latest project?
What this does is it effectively gives your prospects a ‘try-before-you-buy’ experience before committing to your service. They get to see just how ethical, efficient and fast you are at carrying out your demolition.
Construction – How the Job Gets Done
This is similar to the demolition idea above: It’d be really effective to show your prospects how you do aspects of the job. More importantly, you should show why you do it better, quicker or more ethically than your competition.
Talking to the camera as you do a job, explaining what you’re doing will make you more personable and trustworthy. If you’re going to hang around somebody’s personal home, building an extension, the customer will value a friendly face.
Jewellery – How Your Products are Made
The reason why people buy luxury products like jewellery or accessories is that they make them feel a certain way. It’s almost like a journey or experience: The transformation you feel when you put that item on and wear it. Your confidence growing and the great feeling you get when people ask about it or compliment it.
You should kickstart the customer’s journey by showing them how their next accessory is being made. Give them a story to invest in and spread with their newfound confidence.
Medical – Health Tips
People are always looking for ways to get healthy, lose weight or gain muscle. Give them advice on how they can achieve this in order to grow your audience by providing value and building trust. Create a short video series, giving quick health tips in under 10 seconds. This could be a posture change, an exercise, or a particular food to try eating.
Giving the tips yourself makes you more personable, which can help you close more sales. Some medical practices, chiropractic being one example, can be quite intrusive and so when somebody is attending their first appointment, a friendly face can really help relieve the nerves.
Setting Realistic Expectations
At this stage, we feel that it is worth helping you set the correct expectations when uploading your videos to YouTube. The thing is, your videos will cater to one particular, niche audience: Your prospects. A lot of companies will aim for their videos to go viral, but the harsh reality is that a mere 0.33% of videos on YouTube actually achieve over 1,000,000 views. Conversely, almost 30% of videos on YouTube achieve less than 100 views, but the quantity of views is much less important than the quality. Aim to get a reasonable number of views from a targeted group of people that would be interested in your products or services.
In the digital world of today, it can be difficult to get heard amongst the noise coming from your competitors. Instead of creating similar videos to them, try doing something different and aim to build a good level of trust between yourself and your audience. Be sure to leave a comment below to let us know your creative marketing video ideas!