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Client Testimonials Surrey

Client Testimonials Surrey – are you looking for a Videographer?

Bright Light Film are specialists in producing Client Testimonials Surrey

Client: Bailey Solutions

Bailey Solutions are another company that Bright Light Film Work with that is a very niche market. This company creates library search software which can be bespoke designed for an individual company or need. Their clients range from private companies to public libraries.

In this particular example the client testimonial was from a private school based in Oxfordshire. Library search systems can be quite a dry subject to talk about, but in this testimonial, the client Sally really brings to life the versatility of the product that they have purchased and talks of the outstanding service that they have received from  Bailey Solutions.

Bright Light Film had to be careful in this video not to film any of the students as their images were not authorised to appear in the film. So, we had to be creative in finding other things to film in the library which was a challenge, but the final result worked very well when accompanied with the audio from Sally.

Client Testimonials Surrey

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Clients Web Video Testimonials

Clients Web Video Testimonials

Using web video testimonials of your customers and clients on your website can be the tipping point for other people browsing your site to get in touch with you.


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Clients Educational & Promotional Web Videos

There are many different ways to use web videos on your site. Video Testimonials can strongly persuade some one who is in two minds as whether to uses your business services or products.


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