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Video Production Brighton

Video Production Brighton – are you looking for a Videographer?

Video Production Brighton – Bright Light Film are specialists in producing client video testimonials

Client: Baystar

Baystar are another company that work in a very niche area that Bright Light Film have had the fortune to work with.

Baystar install heat pumps, which is a green and sustainable source of energy. To simplify it, if you don’t already know, is that heat is captured from the ground either from land or from water. This energy can then go on to heat building and provide electricity.

Bright Light Film worked with Baystar on a number of projects from filming seminars to video testimonials.

This example of a video testimonial from a very prestigious client of Baystar and that’s Glynbourne based in Sussex.

Glynbourne are very green company and are keen advocates of all re-newable energy sources and were therefore happy to fit in the time for a video testimonial in their hectic schedule.

Like to discuss a project?
Call Clare now on 07966 522904

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Clients Web Video Testimonials

Clients Web Video Testimonials

Using web video testimonials of your customers and clients on your website can be the tipping point for other people browsing your site to get in touch with you.


Clients Educational & Promotional Web Videos

Clients Educational & Promotional Web Videos

There are many different ways to use web videos on your site. Video Testimonials can strongly persuade some one who is in two minds as whether to uses your business services or products.


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