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Marketing Videos Surrey

Marketing Videos Surrey – looking for a Videographer?

Bright Light Film are specialists in producing Marketing Videos Surrey

Client: Putty Cakes

In this project we worked with Gavin from Putty Cakes to create a portfolio of videos that present every facet of their cake making business.

Gavin and his wife run many different threads to their business from making and decorating cakes to selling cake making items to amateur and professional cake makers. As well as running a cake decorating school.

Bright Light Film guided Putty Cakes to which elements of the business are most important to promote via video. Starting with the biggest money earner video – the bespoke cake making.

Bright Light Film were also able to gage the best method on how to go about filming these series of videos. Firstly the length was to be short snappy and informative and delivered in the most natural way possible. In order to get this result from  a nervous Gavin, we avoided the use of an autocue and script remember and so devised a series of questions that prompted the correct response from Gavin. After a few practice goes, Gavin was able to record his answers competently and give a great performance. Added with some edits of the shop, the whole film looks seamless and ticks all the boxes.

  • marketing videos surrey
  • marketing videos surrey

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