It is predicted that by 2019, Internet video traffic will be responsible for a whopping 80% of all consumer Internet traffic. Video marketing is on the rise, without a doubt, and now is the time to get ahead of your competition by jumping on the bandwagon first. Thing is, while using video to explain your products and services are great, if your video script isn’t up to par you could be doing more harm than good. This is a very new task for businesses, so I’ve listed my 7 top tips on how to write a killer professional video script and put them into the order in which you should do them.
Writing a Killer Professional Video Script
1. Think About Your Audience
Before even writing the script itself, you need to get into the mind of your ideal viewer. When people type something into Google, it’s usually in the form of a question. What questions do they normally ask? That’ll give you a topic to discuss. At that point, you can move onto defining your answer or solution to their question.
2. Explain Your Answer In One Sentence
We live in a world where we can get everything instantly. Just type a question into Google and hundreds, if not thousands, of answers instantly appear. If you can’t get your point across in less than 30-seconds, your viewer will just move onto the next video. Remember: Your marketing video is all about your audience!
3. Write From the Perspective of a Conversation
Think about when you’re explaining your business/product/service to a friend. Your conversation with a friend is completely different to your sales pitch to a prospect, but the honest truth is that people don’t want to be sold to. When you write your script, talk to a friend about what you’re going to say in order to capture a more conversational tone.
4. Tell Your Story
Another way to keep something conversational is to tell your story. Before committing to a purchase, people go through several stages. After identifying a need and searching for the solution, they may come across your video. Next, they’ll want to be able to ‘match’ with your brand. Ethics, quality, beliefs, cultural background, they all matter to the public.
5. Avoid Fine Detail
A little bit of detail is great, but if you get into the ‘nitty gritty’ of your product/service you’ll lose your audience. Remember, your audience don’t possess the same technical knowledge as you so a basic understanding is all they need. If they want more detail, tell them they can read more on your website or contact you. Simple!
6. Give a Call-To-Action
What do you want the viewer to do after watching the video? Like it? Share it? Call you? Don’t hope that they’ll guess what you want them to do, just tell them!
7. Slow Down!
You’re not used to being in front of the camera, you’re nervous and you don’t want to fluff your lines. Naturally, you’ll end up speaking a little faster. People often get the quality of their content up to a good standard, but completely ignore the delivery aspect, which can ruin the video completely. Think about where your pauses will be in the script and physically write them in.
Video marketing is one of the most important elements of any company’s marketing campaign. Not only does Google reward websites that have video content with a higher ranking, but people absorb 95% of the message in a video, as opposed to the 10% you will absorb from this written article. Follow the 7 steps above on how to write a killer video script and your revenue growth could increase by up to 49%.
Got any thoughts about our 7 steps? Would you add any others? Have we helped? Let us know by leaving a comment below!