What is Video Marketing?
In the modern world, we all want everything instantly. News, conversations, entertainment, information: we consume more of it than ever before. Speed and convenience are at the top of people’s priority list when it comes to consumption.
Video Marketing is fast becoming the main source of information and knowledge for the public. In fact, according to Hubspot, 78% of people watch videos online every week and 55% of people watch videos online every day! The reason for this is because of the use of imagery: It is much easier for a human to take in visual information through images and video than it is to read and understand written text.
What Types of Marketing Videos Are There?
1. Branding Videos
The idea behind these videos is to create an image for your company. A branding video should explain the company mission statement, future vision and products or services. This makes you more relatable and trustworthy. It puts a face on your business and helps your audience decide if you’re the right solution to their needs. It’s a good idea to try and evoke emotion in your branding videos. One great example is Dove’s ‘Choose Beautiful’ video, as shown to the right.
2. Demonstration/Product Information Videos
A powerful way to let your audience know how great your product or service is by showing them how great it is. Have you seen those JML adverts on the TV before? They just explain what their product does as the video shows it in use, but it’s more valuable to viewers than text. People know that anything can be written in a product description, but you can’t hide poor products in a video. The award for ‘Best Product Demonstration Video’? Tony Stark in Iron Man!
3. Explanation Videos
Is there a question your audience regularly asks? Why not present the answer in a video? This is especially useful for building trust between yourself and your audience. This happens for 2 reasons: Firstly, it puts a face on your business and makes you more relatable. Secondly, it shows your audience that you actually know what you’re providing your customer and are able to provide a good level of service. To the right is an example of an explanation video.
4. How-To Videos
Similar to explanation videos, how-to videos are a way to educate your audience, build trust and help them understand you have the solution for their needs. A how-to video can be as simple as showing customers how to use your products, or even unique ways to use them if they are multi-functional. When creating a how-to video, we recommend providing downloadable assets where possible, to help grow your mailing list. On the right is a how-to video from Adobe.
5. Testimonial Videos
A powerful way to show your audience that you provide a good service or that your products are amazing is by having a customer take the time to sit down and tell people about their experience. How powerful? According to Brightlocal, 97% of people read online reviews when searching for local businesses. On your right is a testimonial video for a B2B company, with the client explaining the positive effect the service they received had on their business.
6. Interview Videos
Using the opinion and knowledge of an industry expert is a great way to show that your business has authority and can be trusted by the public. Think of it this way: If your business provided a poor service or products that didn’t work, do you think an influential person from within your industry would endorse you by taking the time to appear in a video for you? As an example of an interview video, Tristar Gym invited nutrition expert Georges Lockhart to answer some questions.
7. Event Videos
Got an event coming up? Why not give people the opportunity to find out what to expect from it and allow them to immerse themselves in the experience before committing? A lot of people are hesitant to attend a new event because they struggle to see value in it. If you can show footage from your previous event, the viewer can see that the attendance is strong and that there really is something to gain from it. To the right is my own event video for a quarterly workshop I run.
Video Marketing Haywards Heath
Businesses constantly need to keep up with evolving technology and trends amongst the public in order to maintain their success and grow. Video marketing is a very versatile tool that can be used to demonstrate your value to an audience of potentially over a billion people. We are all looking for useful and relevant information, fast. Video is one of the fastest and easiest ways to get that information.
Don’t forget to download a free E-Book on avoiding the bad pitfalls of video testimonials before you go!
Avoid the Pitfalls of Bad Video Testimonials
Click here to download a FREE E-Book to find out the pitfalls of bad video testimonials.
The hints, tips and tricks contained in this E-Book can be used in your own video marketing strategy.