How Important is Video Marketing?
Video marketing is quickly becoming one of, if not THE most important part of growing a business. Why is this? As discussed in the Why Should I Use Video Marketing post, Google rewards websites that have video with a higher organic search listing and people prefer finding information through quick videos, rather than written text. However, it’s more than just picking up a camera and yelling “ACTION!”. You need a video content marketing strategy.
Simply creating mediocre-quality videos with a shaky hand and battered smartphone isn’t enough, and a poorly executed video marketing campaign can actually hinder your business. Below, we’ve listed our 5 top tips on your video content marketing strategy and how they can make your video marketing successful.
Video Content Marketing Strategy – Our 5 Top Tips
1. Take People on a Journey
The Internet is full of poor sales messages just screaming ‘buy me, buy me’ to people. This isn’t very clever or persuasive. Instead, focus your video content marketing strategy on making yourself more relatable to your audience by including personal stories. Why did you start your business? What is the aim of your business? People genuinely want to hear your story and by immersing them in a journey, they will be able to relate to you and buy into your company and what you stand for.
2. Keep your Videos Short
As mentioned in previous articles, people want information that is not only valuable to them, but also easy to take in quickly. An introduction video should only be a brief teaser into your product or service. If the viewer wants to know more, you can direct them to further information or simply ask them to contact you. According to Wistia, the optimum length of time for a video is up to 2-minutes. We recommend keeping your videos around 90-seconds to play it safe.
3. Use Emotion
Evoking emotion in a video always makes it memorable. It just drills the message into the viewer and they’ll forever associate your business with that emotion. One of the most powerful uses of emotion in a video content marketing strategy is Dove’s ‘Real Beauty’ campaign. It’s been so successful that it has continued to run for what has now been 13 years! Below, we have included a video example of Dove’s ‘Real Beauty’ video marketing campaign.
4. Don’t Ignore The Tags
Similar to keyword research and SEO for a website, the tags on a video help the hosting platform (for example, YouTube) understand what the video is about. We often see companies leaving their tags blank and then wonder why their video has only one or two views. When choosing which tags to add to your video, consider what people type into the search bar on YouTube or Google. The more relevant your tags, the higher your video will place on the results page.
5. Include a Call-To-Action
Once the viewer has watched your video, what would you like them to do? Visit your website? Download assets from you? Call you? Whatever it is, let them know in the video itself. It’s quite rare for people to actually read the description of a video once they’ve clicked on it, so make sure the last thing you give to them during your video is a call-to-action. The top YouTube channels in the world all utilise calls-to-action to achieve their success, often asking people to subscribe.
Video Marketing Sussex
To conclude, the above five tips can help transform your video marketing strategy from reasonable to successful. I wish you the best of luck in your video marketing journey and would love to hear from you if you’ve implemented these tips into your next video. Just contact me by clicking the button below. Similarly, if you would like your next marketing video to be professionally captured by us, please click the contact button below.
Contact Me
Get in touch to show us your marketing videos, or plan your next one with us.